Friday, February 24, 2012

Side By Side Week 124 - The tropics in my backyard.

Side By Side Week 124 - The tropics in my backyard.
How is this little guy in my back garden feasting on our fig tree! It really never gets old for me - coming from the land of dull animals - that these colourful birdies hang around in the suburbs of Melbourne. They are Rainbow Lorikeets and I love them, even though they chirp annoyingly in massive groups first thing in the morning. Feast away on those figs little friend.


Sarah B said...

Hi Leslie, thanks for dropping by my blog as now I have found yours. Your photography is lovely, what sort of camera/lens do you use? :)

Leslie said...

Hi Sarah,
Right back at you...thanks for stopping by Little Letters. Nice to have someone new look around. Thank you for your comments on my photos, I enjoy snapping away and its nice to have someone enjoy the pics. I am using a Nikon D50 (fairly old now) and as far as lenses go, I have the standard 18-50mm, 70-200mm but my fave is my 50mm f1.4. Such a great lens for a relatively small price.

Leslie said...

Ooh yeah an a little iphone Instagram action too! ;-)